Excellence in the Outdoor Bus Tour and Masterclass

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2023 Excellence in the Outdoor Bus Tour & Masterclass

The 2023 Bus Tour was an opportunity for all Early Childhood Education and Care Sector professionals to come together to reflect upon the many forms of excellence within the context of the Australian National Quality Framework, in particular focusing on the inspiring outdoor environment.

Hosted by Angus Gorrie, the morning bus tour visited 2 Early Learning Services. These services showcased outdoor environments which:

  • promotes safe risk taking.
  • promote autonomy and decision making.
  • support children to develop resilience and support a sense of agency.

Using the knowledge and inspiration gained from visiting these services, participants will be able to use their observations to provide further stimulus for change on how services approach practice and the continued journey towards excellence.

The three presentations featured in the afternoon program provided ideas to consider while interacting in the outdoor environment, setting up your environment to support risk taking and autonomy, as well as supporting children sense of agency.

Our Masterclass Speakers

Trudi Bennett, Nature Play WA

“Everyday I get to be playful, curious, creative and supportive”

Trudi is passionate about encouraging wonder among children and educators, supporting educators to feel comfortable and connected to nature. As a Nature Connection Consultant, Trudi assists Early Learning Centres and schools to enhance access to nature in outdoor playspaces and outdoor classrooms. She supports educators to link outdoor play and learning with the curriculum and implement aspects of child-led, play-based, place-based learning and playwork into daily rhythms.

Angus Gorrie, The Outsiders Play Advocates

Angus Gorrie is passionate about providing authentic play opportunities for children, wherever they may be, and pushing back against increased play deprivation and play bias.

Angus has qualifications in Behavioural Sciences and Psychology, Playwork and is currently working towards a Masters of Medical Research investigating how play (in the broadest sense) supports the mental health of children. He also spends his day as a practitioner working in a large OSHC Adventure Playground. It is this experience and the stories that come with working in a practical setting, combined with the theory and knowledge of study that shapes and guides Angus’s perspectives and points of view.

Associate Professor Hayley Christian, The Play Active Program

Associate Professor Hayley Christian has more than 18 years’ professional experience in health promotion practice and research.

Her research focuses on improving children’s physical activity, health and wellbeing through multi-level interventions that are focused on the child, the family, and social and built environments. This includes identifying strategies to create healthy ECEC environments, and investigating how the home and neighbourhood environment shapes children’s health and development. She works closely with government, non-government organisations, professional bodies and the private sector to identify and implement programs and policies to help children establish healthy behaviours early to provide the foundation for lifelong health.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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