— Applications for the Lotterywest Travel Grant is closed! —
Subsidised travel to the 2025 ECLD Conference
Proudly Supported by Lotterywest
Child Australia has received a grant from Lotterywest to subsidise travel costs for Western Australia regional and remote Not for Profit educators to attend the 2025 WA Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference.
Applicants approved under the grant will receive the following financial support from Lotterywest.
For Applicants from Regional WA Child Care Services (less than 500km from Perth)
- Up to 2 nights’ accommodation (max. $250 inc. GST per night) per designated educator
- Mileage allowance of 85c per km per designated service (Kilometres will be based on direct travel to & from Perth)
For Applicants from Remote WA Child Care Services (more than 500km from Perth)
- Up to 2 nights’ accommodation (max. $250 inc. GST per night) per designated educator
- Return economy flights to Perth (best available economy price) per designated educator
Eligibility Criteria
- The Applicant is a Not for Profit childcare service
- The Applicant’s childcare service is in a Western Australian regional or remote area
- Maximum two (2) designated educators per application
- One application per childcare service
Your Application
Please send your application to ecld@childaustralia.org.au or call 1300 66 11 64 for inquiries.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Do you have a question about the Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2025? Want to get involved? We would like to hear from you!