Travel Grant

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— Applications for the Lotterywest Travel Grant is closed! —

Subsidised travel to the 2025 ECLD Conference

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  • Proudly Supported by Lotterywest

    Proudly Supported by Lotterywest Icon

Child Australia has received a grant from Lotterywest to subsidise travel costs for Western Australia regional and remote Not for Profit educators to attend the 2025 WA Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference.

Applicants approved under the grant will receive the following financial support from Lotterywest.

For Applicants from Regional WA Child Care Services (less than 500km from Perth)

  • Up to 2 nights’ accommodation (max. $250 inc. GST per night) per designated educator
  • Mileage allowance of 85c per km per designated service (Kilometres will be based on direct travel to & from Perth)

For Applicants from Remote WA Child Care Services (more than 500km from Perth)

  • Up to 2 nights’ accommodation (max. $250 inc. GST per night) per designated educator
  • Return economy flights to Perth (best available economy price) per designated educator

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The Applicant is a Not for Profit childcare service
  2. The Applicant’s childcare service is in a Western Australian regional or remote area
  3. Maximum two (2) designated educators per application
  4. One application per childcare service

Your Application

Please send your application to or call 1300 66 11 64 for inquiries.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Do you have a question about the Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2025? Want to get involved? We would like to hear from you!