About the Program
The Bagot Community is rich with history and heritage including both traditional Aboriginal culture and lore and the more recent 75 years of Darwin history. The Community is managed by a Community Council whose members are Directors of the Bagot Aboriginal Corporation. This Council provides governance for the community and all associated programs. Child Australia has been working with the Bagot Community since 2011 and have developed deep, healthy reciprocal relationships with the children, families and community.
The Bagot Community Aboriginal Corporation and Child Australia Indigenous Advancement Strategy (Bagot IAS) addresses the disproportionate disadvantage that exists within the Bagot Community through creating local solutions that will result in:
The Bagot IAS has five interconnected programs. The majority of employees in these programs are Bagot Community members. It is envisaged that these programs will grow into the future and become Community run programs. These programs are funded by the Australian Government through the Budget Based and Indigenous Advancement Strategy Funding Programs. |
Collective Impact Project
The goal of the project is to improve community governance and management. It aims to establish a methodology for coordinating the community’s efforts and maximise the impact of all services. Over time, this will build the capacity of the Community Council to manage that process into the future

Out of School Hours and Vacation Care Project
Provides education and care in a safe and stable environment for the children of the Bagot Community.

Child and Family Education and Support Project, “Bambatj Learning”
Previously known as “Mums & Bubs”. The project is now called “Bambatj Learning” to resonate deeply with the community, preserving the local language. “Bambatj” means babies or children.
Building on the existing OSHC Program and facility to provide integrated services that will support child health, wellbeing, early learning and school readiness. It is focussed on the primary carers of children aged up to 5yrs, and supports families as a child’s First Teacher.

Families for School Attendance Project
Supports families to create a stable home environment for their children which will promote school attendance and success. It helps families to address issues including unemployment, domestic violence and substance abuse that result in student poor attendance through a case management approach.

Walking Bus Project
Facilitators ensure that younger children in the community get to school each morning safely and on time for the school breakfast program.

Our commitment to culturally safe spaces
Contact Information
For more information, e-mail BagotIAS@childaustralia.org.au or call 0467 064 766.
Enquiry Form
Do you have a question about the program Bagot Indigenous Advancement Strategy? Want to get involved? We would like to hear from you!