Bagot Community Outside School Hours Care

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Centre details

Monday to Friday: 2:30PM - 5PM
School Holidays: 8AM - 4PM
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About the Service

Bagot Community OSHC is a community driven service which operates on Larrakia Country and has provided reliable play-based education and care for the residents of Bagot Aboriginal Community since 2011.

The OSHC program recognises the importance of building and maintaining strong partnerships with the community. Our staffing compliment consists of many Bagot Aboriginal Community residents whose deep understanding of children, families, culture, and community informs all areas of our service. These strong connections and collaborative relationships allow us to deliver programs which reflect the needs of Bagot children and families, with a focus on developing and strengthening life-skills, addressing barriers impacting access to quality education and care, and providing culturally safe spaces for play and learning.

We believe in empowering our future leaders through child-led curriculum development, supporting children to have ownership over all aspects of our programs. With children leading the way we learn and grow together.

  • Bagot Community OSHC programs acknowledge the deep connection and relationships with the local Aboriginal community.

    We acknowledge the social relationships and strong spiritual connection to the Ancestors and to the Land.

    Our service has respect for the Elders and their knowledge and the contribution they make to the lives of our children and incorporate their voice in all our work.

    There are many different tribes within the Bagot Community, together we share our culture, values and beliefs respectfully and with genuine curiosity.

    We respect and learn from one another through a both ways learning approach.

    We recognise that the most ancient languages in the world are spoken in this community and that it is common for English to be a child’s second or third language.

    We respect the natural environment of the community and incorporate nature and spaces of meaning into our curriculum.

    Our environments and programs are designed in collaboration with children and reflect the children’s interests.


  • “I’ve come to OSHC for 7 years. We do different activities and learn things like cooking and sports and see different animals. It’s fun.”
    EG aged 10
  • “OSHC is good because we go to the basketball court and play. We can go anywhere in Bagot together and play.”
    MC aged 9
  • “At OSHC I play with the computers. I feel happy here.”
    AC aged 8
  • “OSHC is fun because I get to play outside. OSHC has different toys to my house”
    KW aged 7
  • “I wake up early so I can come OSHC. It’s fun and good and nice and Stacy and Mum Cinta are nice.”
    CC aged 6
  • “OSHC is fun and safe with no swearing or busted glass.”
    DJ aged 5

Enquiry Form

To make an enquiry for child care or outside school hours care, please fill in the form provided.