So, you’re thinking about attending the ECLD Immersion Experience, but not sure where to start and the idea of talking to your manager about it gives you a knot in your stomach?

We totally get it. It’s one of those moments where you want to make sure you say all the right things and get your point across without stumbling over your words. But don’t worry!

We’ve got some tips to help you with the conversation.

The ‘WHAT’ you want

Before approaching your manager about attending the ECLD Experience, do a little digging first.

Look into the speakers, session topics and program. Think about how they match up with your goals and what your organisation wants to achieve.

Check out registration options and costs too! 

The ‘WHO’ you want it for

Think about your professional goals and the perks of attending, like new insights, enhancing your practice and networking. Show how they align with your role and value as an Early Childhood Educator.  

When chatting with your manager, stress how the ECLD Immersion Experience will boost your skills and knowledge.  

Ask yourself the following questions: 

  • “What do I aim to learn at ECLD?” 
  • “What’s new in the sector?” 
  • “What new knowledge can I bring home to my service?” 
  • “Are there any particular presenters or experts whose perspectives I am eager to hear?” 
  • “What opportunities for networking and collaboration do I hope to explore during ECLD?” 

Next to yourself, this opportunity will benefit many more! 

Talk about the potential impact on your growth and the quality of care for children and families. 

You can also bring the knowledge back to uplift the whole team and share your findings with other educators. This could be through taking notes, photos of the presentation and more. 

The ‘HOW’ this can be achieved

If your manager has potential concerns such as financial costs or roster conflicts, try to offer solutions.  

  • Maybe you can find a special deal and discount or alternative funding.  
  • It could be that travel is an issue and maybe you can combine it with a family visit.  
  • The event being over the weekend could help. 
  • Another one would be, would you be willing to pay a % yourself to show your commitment? 

Having a solid plan shows initiative and responsibility, making it easier to get your manager’s support. 

Your commitment to the centre, the ECEC sector and your families

Wrap up the conversation by letting your manager know how excited you are about your professional growth and how attending ECLD fits into your career goals. 

Highlight how your participation will benefit both you and the organisation, reinforcing your commitment to delivering high quality care and education to children and families.  

This approach will keep the conversation positive and collaborative. 

We hope these tips have empowered you!

Remember, advocating for your professional development is an investment not only in yourself but also in the children and families you serve.  

We can’t wait to welcome you at the ECLD Immersion Experience!